Grief Booklets

Finding Hope: Personalized Aftercare Booklets by Dr. Jason Troyer

Partnering with Dr. Jason Troyer: The Finding Hope Aftercare Series

IFPA has partnered with Dr. Jason Troyer, a grief expert and psychology professor, to provide your organization with the Finding Hope series of aftercare booklets.

Dr. Troyer’s booklets are personalized to widows, widowers, and bereaved adult children and will provide your families with comfort and support following their loss. Furthermore, he has written booklets for the anniversary of the loss, a Holiday booklet, and a booklet for assisting grieving children.

Affordable Aftercare Solutions: Strengthening Bonds Across Generations

These cost-effective aftercare products support the families you have served and help build relationships with the next generation. The booklets can be customized with your contact information and logo.

Learn More By Visiting Our Website Today And Save!

Visit for more information about Dr. Troyer’s Finding Hope series of aftercare booklets.

The prices you see on the flyer reflect the 15% IFPA discount you will receive from Mt. Hope. Be sure to mention that we are partnered up when you order your materials.

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