Guidebook Series

Aftercare is the cornerstone of any great Advance Funeral Planning program. If implemented properly, this program will generate more production for your organization in the long run than any other program. Aftercare not only locks in your current market share, but it grows market share through our Family and Friends marketing sequences established in our database system.

Our Guidebook series is proven to be the perfect tool to reach out to survivors after the funeral. Guidebook-1 is the industry’s best tool in showing the primary informant everything that they need to do to get their affairs in order after the death of their loved one. Families are constantly sharing their thanks for the information this book provides.

Guidebook-2 is shared with them in a timely manner well after the service to inform them of their planning options. This process perfectly sets up contact with the entire family and friends of the family over time. The IFPA database system perfectly keeps up with all contacts at their pace and the end result is many current and new family members committing to their own arrangements with you.

We are here for you

Our goal is to contract with independent funeral homes to market and grow their pre-need sales through relationship marketing and constant communication with the community.

204 Old Decherd Road
Winchester, TN 37398


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